La puéricultrice en quête de nouveaux horizons - 31/08/24
Nursery nurses in search of new horizons
Riassunto |
Le rôle de la puéricultrice auprès des adolescents scolarisés est peu connu. Pourtant, bien au-delà de la petite enfance, par ses compétences et connaissances allant jusqu’à l’âge adulte, elle peut impulser une nouvelle dynamique dans le domaine de l’éducation. Les travaux des étudiants en formation étayent leur futur positionnement professionnel et soutiennent l’évolution de la profession, plaçant la puéricultrice dans chaque lieu où se trouvent les enfants, et apportant son expertise au service de la satisfaction de leurs besoins.
Il testo completo di questo articolo è disponibile in PDF.Nursery nurses in search of new horizons |
The role of the nursery nurse with teenagers at school is little known. And yet, well beyond early childhood, with her skills and knowledge extending into adulthood, she can give new impetus to the field of education. The work done by students in training underpins their future professional positioning and supports the development of the profession, placing the childcare worker in every place where children are, and contributing her expertise to meeting their needs.
Il testo completo di questo articolo è disponibile in PDF.Mots clés : développement infantile, éducation, formation, puéricultrice, positionnement professionnel, santé des adolescents
Keywords : adolescent health, child development, education, nursery nurse, professional positioning, training
Vol 61 - N° 379
P. 26-28 - Agosto 2024 Ritorno al numeroBenvenuto su EM|consulte, il riferimento dei professionisti della salute.
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